
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Cleaning Your Customer Marketing List

Warm weather means more than just a clean house, it also means spring cleaning for your business. And one item on your checklist should be cleaning your marketing list. 

As important as it is to have a customer marketing list (or prospect list), it is just as critical to
e-mail marketing

make sure that you have a clean one. This means removing people who do not read, or are no longer interested, in getting your emails or advertisements. You should clean your customer list at least twice a year.

This includes removing 

  • Duplicates
  • Inactive customers. Take off customers who are no longer active customers. Save that list separately for any future win-backs programs.
  • Unsubscribes. Most email marketing providers will automatically remove people who have unsubscribed from your marketing list, however, it’s also important to update any internal databases and/or lists you may have.

A clean list means
  • Fewer (spam) complaints. 
  • Better return on your marketing dollar and efforts – many email service providers charge you based on the size of your customer list. 
  • Higher engagement. People who get your emails and advertisements actual want to hear from you. 
  • Better brand image.

Happy cleaning!

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